State of the Art Building (50,000 sq. ft.)
The I76 Antique Mall in Ravenna, OH is an air-conditioned, handicapped accessible, one story, newly built, steel building. The antique and collectible display area is carpeted throughout. Locked showcases are displayed conveniently on one area near the sales counter.
Abundant Parking
A new parking lot is adjacent to the customer entrance. Dollies conveniently load heavy items directly from the dealer display areas to parked vans, cars or trucks.
On Interstate Highway
The I76 Antique Mall is adjacent to the I76 on and off ramps at the Ravenna-Rootstown exit (exit #38B) withoutstanding visibility and accessibility from I76.
Desirable Market Area
30,000 vehicles per day pass the site on I76. Within a 1 hour drive are 4 million shoppers with Cleveland 35 miles way, Akron 15 miles, Canton 35 miles and Youngstown 35 miles. We are also only 14 miles from the renowned Hartville flea market are where dealers exhibit wares of all kinds three times a week.
Booth and Showcase Information
Lease terms are month-to-month. We require 30 days written notice if, and when, you intend to relinquish your mall space.
Booths vary in size but most are open 12 feet wide by 8 feet deep and they rent $210.00 per month. The booth layout is open and has a rough sawn cedar back wall.
A locked showcase is 7’ high, 20” deep and 30" wide with four glass adjustable shelves and rents @ $85.00 per month. Additional showcases
rent @ 45.00 each. Showcases are internally well lit, using T8 fluorescent bulbs.
The mall charges a commission of 14% on items $0 - $100, 10% on items $100 - $500, 8% on items over $500.
The mall also offers discounts for second booth $170 and the second show cases $45. If a booth is rented we will offer showcases at $45.
Computerized Sales System
The I76 Antique Mall pays monthly all state sales taxes. On the 3rd and the 18th of each month a computerized, detailed account (of sales, credits and charges) provides dealers with concise sales report as well as a check for net payment due.
Booth Setup and Maintenance
Exhibitors are required to keep their display areas clean, the carpet swept and the merchandise dusted. Please work booth or showcase on a regular basis by re-arranging your merchandise and insuring that your merchandise is attractively displayed. Do not let customers or fellow dealers get bored with your display. We have a vacuum for your use. Please provide your own glass cleaner, dusting products and paper towels.
Locked showcases are not permitted in booths.
Removal of Merchandise
All merchandise leaving the mall will exit through the dealer door after being checked by a mall employee. A mall employee will check all containers, boxes, etc. before leaving.
A complimentary dealer discount will be given to customers if the item had not been reduced and has a tag price over $20.00 at the industry standard of 10%.
There are no discounts for items $20.00 and under.
General discount sale signs will not be permitted (i.e. “Everything in this booth is 30% off). This type of sign lowers customer confidence, generates a less-than-professional atmosphere, and will cause a customer to believe all merchandise was overpriced to begin with. Individual items may be tagged at a reduced price with a tag that may include the old price.
For security, all exhibitors must use I76 tags. Place your dealer number on all your merchandise, display fixtures and anything else that belong to you. “If it belongs to you, tag it.” If you use plate holders, doll stands, etc. (and want to keep them) mark them “NFS” or “display only.”
Please use your initials in your item number as a double check. (If your name is John Jones and your item number is 1205, then the item number should read “JJ1205” on the tag).
Include an accurate description on the tag (tags without descriptions can be easily switched).
Give as much info as possible on description including date and location of item’s production, if known.
Tags must clearly state the condition if the item is damaged. Any repair or alteration of the items must also be noted, including replaced hardware, mirrors or glass on furniture. Non working mechanical and electrical items must also be note.
To prevent tag altering, use dollar signs and decimal points (or two zeros over a line). Don’t mark over to correct a mistake or change a price. Keep your number clear. Don’t run the numbers too close together. Example: Your $135.00 could be mistaken for $35.00 at check out time. If in doubt, make a new tag!
Special Tagging (Quilts, Coverlets, Tablecloths, Bedspreads, etc.)
These items must have a photo tag attached to them. The photo may be a Polaroid and must have the dealer number and price inscribed on the photo. We have found this the most effective method for preventing tag switching for these types of items.
Theft Prevention
We have installed a state-of-the-art security system to assist in preventing losses to exhibitors’ inventory. However, your co-operation is also needed.
A Few Hints Which May Help Include:
Never leave keys in merchandise. Furniture, clock or any other key should be labeled and filed at the sales counter. Please indicate on the price tag of the item that the key is at the front desk and put the front desk key number on the price tag.
Place a tag on each item of a set if possible. If one piece wanders away from your display it is more readily identified and can be returned.
Telephone screw-on mouthpieces, oil lamp font covers or caps, cranks for phonographs, lamp finials and similar items should be labeled and filed also.
Tops to items such as cruets, bottles, jars or any kind of lids should be securely taped to the item.
Potential Electrical Hazard
Fire Marshall's regulation requires all items, shelving units display, etc. must be at least 18 inches from the ceiling.
If an electrical item is for sale and has damage, this must be noted on the price tag, marked" AS IS". The plugs must be covered to prevent use in the Mall. In addition, such items may be removed at management's discretion.
Please keep your inventory back behind the designated tape line that are placed on the floor.
Outlets may not be covered or obscured. Any infraction will incur a fine of $25.00 each.
Other restrictions may be necessary as situation's warrant.
A Final Note
We have distributed these guidelines for the benefit of all concerned. Please review them and if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to talk to us.
Our guidelines have been established to serve as a reference for out procedures and policies. We have formalized these policies so that everyone exhibiting at I76 will be governed the same.
Our fundamental merchandising policy is:
All mall exhibitors are required to abide by this basic policy.
Merchandise Quality
All fakes/reproductions must be labeled as such. Any item known to be damaged or altered must be labeled "AS IS". Management may remove any item if it is in their opinion in poor taste, or is in any way objectionable. We are dedicated to providing the best in quality antiques and collectables for our customers. To accomplish this goal, we need your pride, participation and commitment.
Pay Periods
Exhibitors are paid twice a month. Pay periods are from the 1st through the 15th and the 16th through the end of the month. Checks are ready for pickup on the 18th and the 3rd of the month. If, for any reason you wish your check to be mailed please leave a #10 SASE at the desk.
We will always attempt to have checks ready on time. However, if circumstances beyond out control (computer failure, for example) occur, we will have the checks available as soon as possible.
Rents and Terminations
Rents are due and payable on the first of each month and they are late after the 10th of the month. A $25.00 penalty will be imposed on rents received after the 10th of the month.
Get Your Vendor Rental Questions Answered
Give us a call to get answers to any questions you may have regarding becoming a vendor. 330-325-9776